Child Custody

It is an investigation into the ability of a parent or other adult to provide a child with safe, adequate and appropriate care. If a dispute about which person a child should live has gone to court, the court will need to hear evidence about the quality of care a parent might deliver, and any concerns that may arise, such as child protection issues. This may mean a child custody investigation is needed.

An investigation includes observations of parenting, paying particular attention to any aspects of care and interaction that may be lacking or harmful. Child safety is always at the heart of any such investigation and any child protection issues such as neglect, ill-treatment or drug or alcohol abuse in the carer are carefully recorded and managed by our investigators. The investigation will provide legal evidence for court and investigators can also give evidence.

Separating from a spouse or partner is stressful and difficult, but it doesn’t always result in the need for an investigation. One will be needed, however, if:

  • You have concerns about the care your child is receiving from your partner. During a separation accusations are often made against a background of considerable tension. A private investigator can look into the care your child is receiving and provide unbiased evidence of concerns that will stand up in court.
  • You want to put your mind at ease. If you have doubts about your partner’s ability to appropriately care for your child, an investigator can examine their lifestyle, parenting and ability to provide appropriate care for the child.
  • False accusations of neglect or abuse have been made against you. This is sometimes done to limit the amount of time someone spends with your child. A private investigator’s work can help disprove false allegations and ensure you are able to enjoy spending the appropriate amount of time with your child.
  • It has been ordered by a court.

If you feel you may need such an investigation, call us. Child safety and child custody are areas in which we are specialists.